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This course is approved for 4 hours of SHRM and HRCI CEUs!


According to Forbes, the average age of a first-time manager is 30 years old. However, first-time managers are usually unprepared for the challenges of their roles, causing strife and dysfunction for them and those around them.


How would an organization and its leaders benefit if the number of employees who are motivated by their managers to do good work could be improved by just 10%? 


Becoming a Leader: Golden Rules for First-Time Managers is aimed to help prepare new managers for the leadership role ahead of them. This is a self-paced leadership course focused on the fundamentals of building good leadership traits.


This training will identify and address many challenges that managers face when assuming the role of a first-time manager. Sign up for this course and learn: 


Module 1: The Importance of Different Leadership Styles

  • Discuss the types of leadership styles 
  • Using an example, analyze your leadership styles


Module 2: What Traits Make a Good Leader?

  • Compare the traits of a leader versus a manger
  • Using an example, compare the traits of an effective leader versus a manager
  • Using an example, identify your leadership strengths 


Module 3: The Key to Avoiding Bias and Blindspots

  • Define bias 
  • Explain the three common types of bias 
  • Explain blindspots 
  • Using an example, examine how learners can challenge personal bias when leading a team 


Module 4: Unleashing your Teams Inner Genius 

  • Define Psychological Safety 
  • Explain intrinsic motivation
  • Explain extrinsic motivation 
  • Using an example, examine how to motivate teams 


Module 5: Leading those who Used to be Peers

  • Identify leadership qualities that build trust
  • Identify leadership qualities that build respect 


Module 6: Communication Skills to Boost your Team Dynamics 

  • Explain active listening techniques 
  • Discuss communicating with the team for the highest and best impact 
  • Using an example, employ active listening techniques


Module 7: Resolving Conflict and Negotiating with your Team

  • Discuss types of conflict that may exist on a work team 
  • Using an example, devise techniques to handle difficult conversations 


Module 8: Giving Feedback and Doesn’t Stink 

  • Employ methods to provide effective feedback 
  • Using an example, examine practices for effective feedback


Module 9: A Simple Approach to Setting Expectations 

  • Explain how to set expectations with your team
  • Using an example, employ techniques to set expectations with your team 

(CEU Approved) Becoming a Leader: Golden Rules for First-Time Managers Course

Excluding Sales Tax
  • For questions about this course material please contact: 

    Kellie Tinnin, Kellie Tinnin & Associates, LLC
    Phone: 505-991-2758
    The instructor will respond within 24 hours.

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