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Writer's pictureKellie Tinnin

Optimal Busyness: Why We Work Too Much Despite the Effects on Our Well-Being

It's no secret that many of us in 2022 feel overworked, if not actually are. Particularly during the past two years, we have had to deal with a pandemic of hidden overtime, were working from home has resulted in an always-on "ping" culture that keeps us hooked to our laptops and work phones even after typical office hours have ended.

Burnout is reframed as a side effect of being committed to the "grind," and busyness and hustle culture, in general, are displayed as badges of honor.

Our physical and emotional health is deteriorating as a result of the long hours we are working and the time crunch we are facing.

According to researchers, this state of temporal flow—also known as the perception that time is passing—in which employees feel at their best and most productive is known as "optimal busyness."

An ESSEC Business School research indicated that employees felt more positive energy when they were at their most productive and in charge of their time.

Less work didn't necessarily translate for many people into less stress. People favored busy times to calm ones, even when they thought their work-life balance was incorrect.

Instead, they overworked themselves because the sensation of ideal activity led them to believe that they could manage the demands of their jobs.

However, the researchers cautioned that optimum activity is a vicious circle despite the appearance of favorable mental effects.

It's a rising issue since, according to a recent survey, 69 percent of UK workers who work from home report having burnout symptoms.

But regardless of how aware we are – what can we do to ensure we don’t fall too deep into the trap of optimal busyness?

How to cope when you’re addicted to feeling busy?

Take your yearly leave, please.

It's necessary to take some time to relax no matter what the situation, even if many of us may have accrued too many days from being unable to travel during the epidemic.

The mental health organization Mind advises that taking yearly leave can help you unwind and refresh, even if you are just at home.

Get enough sleep

It may seem apparent, but even if we are aware of the benefits of eight hours of sleep for both our bodies and minds, we frequently come up with justifications for not receiving them. You may be able to prioritize your sleep health during the work week by including a few simple self-care techniques into your wellness regimen or simply by eating a protein-rich breakfast.

Try to finish work on time

It's simpler to work late into the evening to try to get everything done when there is no commute and no pressure from homeschooling, according to Mind. "Occasionally this is OK, but strive to finish tasks on time most days."

Ask for help if you need it

Any problems you are having that are harming your health both at work and outside of it can be something you want to discuss with your management. Take a few days off work to rest if you are experiencing weariness or burnout, then come back to work with a plan in place to help you adopt more sustainable working methods.




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